Konomi ja Nai kedo: Mukatsuku Ane to Aishou Batsugun Ecchi (2024)


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Inglese Reviews – Konomi ja Nai kedo: Mukatsuku Ane to Aishou Batsugun Ecchi

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Avatar: NoneNoOne#1
  • Story
  • Visuals
  • Characters
  • Audio
  • Eroticism
Kyouya and Ritsuki are siblings and can’t get along at all. But that was not always so. The two used to like each other, but that ended with Kyouya’s rebellious phase. Since then, every conversation has ended in an argument. But one rainy day they realize that they find each other quite sexually attractive.

The story is nothing special: two siblings who don't quite get along, one day the sister comes home after a pouring rain with soaked clothes and sees her half-naked brother there. They both find each other attractive and one thing leads to another.
But the implementation is better than expected, as we can understand the actions a little better through the insight into the world of thoughts.

The animation style is shiny and rough. I don't like that but it's quite popular. The animation transitions are fluid and the movements are smooth.
I find the line thickness remarkable. Either the lines are super thick, thin or non-existent. In addition, it looks as if the line thickness remains constant in each scene, despite a change in position. I think that's really cool.
There are hardly any visual effects (there aren't any), but the "plot" and the fluids aren't entirely logical. The animations themselves are logical, even if Ritsuki somehow slides backwards while sliding forward across the floor, Ritsukis blouse moves slightly too much in one scene and "body fluids" can be seen flying in one scene, but after that flight time is simply gone. But all of it is forgivable and does not destroy the experience.

Art style
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The dialogue seems quite natural, even though I expected the dialogue to seem very artificial. The voice actors did a good job. Although Ritsuki sounds a bit too energetic for me and Kyouya a bit monotonous.
The music is appropriate and fills the voids well. Of course it's not music that stays in your ear, but it doesn't have to be.
The sounds fit, but it's also hard to screw up with a hentai like that.

Voice actingMusicSounds
4/5 Stars
4/5 Stars
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4/5 Stars

They actually seem to have a personality. So far we don't know much more than that they don't like each other and what they share in their minds, but if the hentai gets a sequel, it could be interesting.
The two friends from the MCs seem like NPCs, but they are also unimportant.

"Plot" / Eroticism
It's vanilla with incest mixed in. Other possible categories would be: creampie, school girl (School doesn't play a big role), massage, foot job (for a very short time), softcore and big opai (but normal for hentai)
The "Plot" is simple... It's just vanilla. It involves the ejection of bodily fluids from both parties and the act itself is linear. Nothing special and it does not have to be. Something “normal” is nice to see sometimes.

If you just want to watch a short vanilla hentai without encountering anything more extreme, I can definitely recommend this one. Story, visuals, audio and "plot" are definitely more than enough to good for a standard hentai.
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