Who is your favourite character from the Straw Hat Pirates?

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Who is your favourite character from the Straw Hat Pirates?

Exactly 1,000 episodes of “One Piece” have now been aired! We would like to celebrate this milestone with a new poll. After all, our last poll about this anime was published a few years ago. After 1,000 episodes, you should have had enough time to know which member is your absolute favourite, right?
Spoiler warning: The selection of the members was based on the current status of the anime.
The Straw Hat Pirates are a small but excellent pirate crew founded by Monkey D. Luffy. But without his crew members, his dream of becoming the “Pirate King” would be still a long way off. Each member has distinctive traits that make it difficult for fans to choose a favorite. However, one thing is certain: At least one of them has been taken into one’s heart! But for which member have you reserved this so important place in your heart? Is it Luffy – the carefree but determined captain who nibbled on the Gum-Gum Fruit? Or Roronoa Zoro – the masterful swordsman with no sense of direction? Or Nami – the seductive and tricky navigator who ensures that the ship always stays on course? Or maybe one of the other characters who are just as likeable and original? Take part in the poll and help your darling to the top spot on the podium!
Who is your favourite character from the Straw Hat Pirates?

Commenti (16)

Avatar: Animguy#16
I favorite character is Luffy and sanji
Avatar: Engel-chan#11
Nico :3 (Ka warum ich sie immer so und nicht Robin nenne). Wobei ich beinahe Zoro gesagt hätte. Wenn einer sterben müsste, würde ich doch Nico opfern, weil wegen Zoro ist heiß... Kekeke.. (K-Lache, grade viel in the Korean Game). \^-^/
Avatar: Slaughtertrip#8
Zorro. Wir haben nämlich viel gemeinsam. Er hat fast einen genauso schlechten Orientierungssinn wie ich.
Avatar: Das Knochenmark des Waldes#7
Eine für mich irgendwie merkwürdige Umfrage. Gab es etwa keine Möglichkeiten, die Auflistung der Mitglieder samt der Abstimmung in ein Spoiler-Accordion-Funktion zu packen? Wäre die Spoilerwarnung direkt das erste, was man ließ, würde ich es ja verstehen, aber ich habe auf meinem Monitor die neueren Charakter sofort gesehen, was für mich zwar nicht so tragisch ist, weil ich alle Bände gelesen habe, aber für andere wäre es wohl nicht so dolle.
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